Sunday, December 23, 2018

Kettle Corn ala April Yorke

1/4 cup oil+ maybe 1 T more
       With the oil, you want enough to half cover all of the kernels, but not much extra. The oil detracts from the yummy salt/sugar combo.

2/3 cup popcorn
3/8-1/2 cup sugar
sea salt to taste

Turn on the heat.

Place oil and popcorn in a pan (that has a lid) or in the Presto Stirring Popper.  Using a rubber spatula that can taken the heat, stir the sugar with the oil and popcorn to make sure the sugar is dissolving.

Place the lid on the pan before the popping begin and then holding on the pot or popper with hot pads, and using your body as you used to do with a hula hoop, make circles with the pop on the heat so that the corn kernels keep moving.

Pop until done and immediately invert popcorn into a bowl.  Sprinkle with sea salt to taste.

edited April 1, 2023 by sweet April.
Salt one side right after you flip it into the bowl from the pan, while it’s hot Flip it into a huge bowl and salt the other side while it’s still warm.

Good immediately and 2 days later if it lasts that long.

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